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“Will They Listen to Us?” Midwives’ Perceptions of Policy Issues Relevant to their Work in Kenya

Semester: Spring 2024

Presentation description

Midwives are a key provider group when it comes to sexual, reproductive, maternal, and newborn health and have a unique capacity to influence policy development to achieve sustainable development goals. This study explores Kenyan midwives' involvement in and attitudes toward influencing national policy making. Six midwives were interviewed, after which the interviews were analyzed using inductive coding. The study is exploratory and there are no specific hypotheses.

Presenter Name: Chrizelle Ransom
Presentation Type: Poster
Presentation Format: In Person
Presentation #C50
College: Social & Behavioral Science
School / Department: Family & Consumer Studies
Research Mentor: Marissa Diener
Date | Time: Tuesday, Apr 9th | 1:00 PM