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Using Viewshed and Machine Learning to Model Visibility for a Terrain and Vegetation

Semester: Fall 2022

Presentation description

  1. Downloaded data, 100 LiDAR point cloud files
  2. Made DSM and DTM raster from all 100 files
  3. Created 200 random points and calculated viewsheds
  4. Buffered all the points and calculated the sum
  5. Measured the area of all the points
  6. Calculated the visibility index (sum of points/ area of points)
  7. Will use this research towards the objective of this project; training a Machine Learning model that can comprehensively measure visibility
Presenter Name: Samantha Kight
Presentation Type: Oral
Presentation Format: Virtual
Presentation #29
College: Social & Behavioral Science
Research Mentor: Philip Dennsion
